The Academy West Dance Team is an award winning competition team. 1st Place awards for teams and solos are won at competitions every season along with specialty and judges’ choice awards such as; Best Precision, Best Sportsmanship, Best Choreography, Most Creative, Best In Show, Best Facials, High Point Teams, and Overall Grand Champions!

The AW dancers have auditions every June for team placement which starts in July. Team levels are determined by age and by ability in dance styles, technique and tumbling tricks. Because of their hard work and discipline, the AW dancers are known for their great technique and precision. Add in interesting choreography from dedicated teachers and you have winning teams!

The AW dancers are hard working in their personal lives as they take the lessons they learn in dance and apply them to their personal goals. Most of our dancers are 4.0 students and go on to earn academic, athletic and dance scholarships. We have had our dancers do the following: earn an all expense paid trip to “America’s Got Talent and be on ‘So You Think You Can Dance’, earn college scholarships, open their own studios, and go on to be successful in whatever fields they have chosen. We are so proud of our dancers and alumni.

Academy West believes that if you teach a child to succeed in what they do, you have taught them a lesson for life. We are making ‘Champions for Life’!

Academy West has a talented and dedicated staff as well. The director, Amy Drage, was the first 5A All State Drill Team pick from Copper Hills High School and has been on ‘So You Think You Can Dance’. She danced with a professional troupe before starting a successful business with Academy West where she is an owner. Amy recently started an adult fitness program at Academy West called AW Fitness.

Begin your journey to be an AW Dancer by enrolling in our weekly classes. Offered are Intro to Dance classes for 3 and 4 year olds and Jazz, Jazz/Acro, Ballet and Hip Hop for dancers 5 years and older, along with advanced technique classes. We offer this challenge: Be the best, Be an AW Dancer!!