AW fundraiser starts Monday, April 20

The spring fundraiser starts Monday, April 20, 2015.  We will be selling World’s Finest Chocolate and there are GREAT prizes that can be won.  2 weeks to sell and prizes to be won!  Thanks to everyone participating!!  We hope you sell a ton of chocolate and win all of the prizes!!

We will be selling World’s Finest Chocolate candy bars!


Sell 1 box……………………………………You get FREE laser tag from Boondocks

Sell 2 boxes…….…….……..You get above item & FREE Chick-fil-A food coupon

Sell 3 boxes…………..…You get above items &FREE Party Night on May 2, 2015

Sell 5 boxes …………….You get above items & your name goes in a drawing for a Boondocks unlimited pass ($27 value)

Sell 10 boxes…..………..…. You get above items & a Free leotard or Logo T-shirt

Get complete information in the office.