Congratulations to the Academy West dancers on their 3rd competitions placements!
9 teams took a Gold placement and 2 teams took a Silver placement
10 out of 10 soloists took a Gold placement
Breanne Gordon won 3rd Overall High point and 1st attendant Miss Utah Dance Review
Isabella Dean Won 7th Overall High point
Chloee Becerril won 3rd place in the cover girl contest
Vanessa Becerril won 2nd place in the cover girl contest and was approached at the competition to be in a dance comercial!! SO COOL!
and Amy Drage (Dance Director) won the Backstage award for being the coach/director that stood out the most to the competition staff. The staff said that they noticed her fully engaged and encouraging to her dancers and they really felt like she loved them!! WOW Congratulations AW Dance and Amy for an awesome competition!