Fun Pasta Fundraiser

Fun Pastagym pastadance pastasnowman pasta

Dear Parents and Friends,
Great News!  Academy West is fundraising with Fun Pasta Fundraising! The pasta selection is affordable and selling is fun and simple.

What is Fun Pasta?

Fun Pasta is pasta shaped like the holidays, sports, collegiate team logos, and more.  The colorful brochure features a wide variety of shapes that will appeal to everyone!

How can you help?

SHARE our Fun Pasta Brochure with neighbors, friends, and co-workers!

Every sale helps support our school. The products are healthy, fun, and affordable – and make great gifts, too!

SHARE our Webpage Link on Facebook, Twitter, and Email!

Out-of-town relatives and friends can now order directly from the company and WE GET THE CREDIT!  There is a flat rate shipping charge of $6.95, but they ship within a couple of days, and our relatives can easily support our group!

 Anything else you need to know?

Yes, you can earn great prizes by selling Fun Pasta!!

 Sell 25 items and you receive FREE Party Night on Sept 16th

  • Sell 35 items and you receive FREE AW Sleepover on Sept 16th
  • Sell 55 items and you receive one of the above and a FREE tumbling clinic
  • Sell 75 items and you receive the Party Night or Sleepover, Clinic and FREE Leotard

(Prizes have no cash value)


Have Fun, Eat Pasta, and remember:

Order and Money Collection Envelopes are DUE:   SEPT 10 BY NOON

 If you have questions, please feel free to contact: